Brew Install MongoDB: Quick and Easy MongoDB Installation with Homebrew


A well-liked NoSQL database called MongoDB is renowned for its adaptability, scalability, and capacity to manage sizable amounts of unstructured data.  If you're a Mac user, installing MongoDB can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to Install MongoDB using Brew, a popular package manager for macOS. 

Why Choose Homebrew for MongoDB Installation? 

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation and management of various software packages, including MongoDB. Here are several reasons why Homebrew is a great choice for installing MongoDB on macOS: 

User-Friendly Installation Process: Homebrew provides a straightforward and user-friendly installation process. With just a few simple commands in the Terminal, you can quickly set up Homebrew on your macOS system. 

Centralized Package Management: Homebrew acts as a centralized repository for software packages on macOS. It ensures that the installation, upgrading, and removal of packages are streamlined and hassle-free. Homebrew takes care of managing dependencies and ensures that the installation process is efficient and reliable. 

Community Support and Active Development: Homebrew has a large and active community of developers who contribute to maintaining and updating the available packages. This ensures that the software you install through Homebrew is up to date and compatible with the latest macOS releases. 

Easy Updates and Upgrades: Homebrew simplifies the process of updating and upgrading MongoDB and other installed packages. With a single command, you can update MongoDB to the latest version, ensuring that you have access to the newest features and bug fixes. 

Version Control: Homebrew allows you to manage different versions of MongoDB on your macOS system. This is particularly useful if you're working on projects that require specific MongoDB versions or need to switch between different versions for testing purposes. 

Simplified Dependency Management: MongoDB has several dependencies that need to be installed correctly for it to function properly. Homebrew takes care of resolving and managing these dependencies, ensuring that MongoDB is installed with all the required components. 

Uninstallation and Cleanup: If you no longer need MongoDB or want to switch to a different database system, Homebrew provides a convenient way to uninstall MongoDB completely. It ensures that all associated files and directories are removed from your system, leaving no residual clutter behind. 


Before we get started with the installation, there are a few prerequisites you'll need to meet: 

  • A Mac machine with root or sudo access
  • A terminal or command-line interface
  • Homebrew package manager installed on your Mac. Run the following line in your terminal to install Homebrew if it isn't already there:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 1: Install MongoDB with Brew

Once you have Homebrew installed, you can use it to install MongoDB by executing the following command.

brew install mongodb-community

This command installs the latest stable version of MongoDB, along with its dependencies, on your Mac.

Step 2: Start the MongoDB Service

Once MongoDB is installed, you'll need to start the MongoDB service by executing the following command

brew services start mongodb-community

This command starts the MongoDB service on your Mac, which allows you to use MongoDB in your applications. 

Step 3: Verify the MongoDB Installation

To verify that MongoDB is installed and running correctly, you can use the mongo shell. The mongo shell is a command-line interface for interacting with MongoDB. 

To start the mongo shell, open a new terminal window and run the following command:


This command starts the mongo shell and connects to the MongoDB instance running on your Mac. 

Once you're connected to the mongo shell, you can run the following command to verify that MongoDB is running correctly: 


This command returns the version of MongoDB that is installed on your Mac. 

Configuring MongoDB

By default, MongoDB is configured to run on localhost on port 27017. If you want to change the default configuration, you can modify the MongoDB configuration file located at /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf. 

For example, if you want to change the port number to 12345, you can modify the mongod.conf file as follows: 

  port: 12345

Once you've made your changes, you'll need to restart the MongoDB service by running the following command:

brew services restart mongodb-community 


If you're looking to build powerful applications quickly and easily, our product AppInvento is a great choice. AppInvento is a backend builder that allows users to create and manage their backend infrastructure without the need for extensive coding or technical expertise. 

With AppInvento, users can easily create custom APIs, manage databases, and handle user authentication and authorization. AppInvento also provides a range of pre-built templates and integrations that make it easy to get started with building applications quickly. 

One of the key benefits of using AppInvento is its scalability. AppInvento allows users to easily scale their backend infrastructure as their application grows, ensuring that their application can handle increased traffic and data volumes without compromising performance. 

Overall, AppInvento is a powerful tool that can help users build and deploy scalable and efficient applications quickly and easily. By combining the power of MongoDB with the ease of use of AppInvento, users can build powerful applications that can handle a wide range of use cases and scenarios. 


Installing MongoDB on a Mac is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps using Brew. By following this tutorial, you'll be able to install MongoDB on your Mac and start building powerful applications that leverage the flexibility and scalability of MongoDB. Remember to keep your MongoDB installation up-to-date by regularly updating your packages and monitoring your system for security vulnerabilities. With MongoDB and Brew, you'll have a powerful and flexible database solution that can handle a wide range of applications.