Node.js Installation Guide


Node.js is a popular open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. In this guide, we will discuss the steps required to install Node.js on various operating systems. 


Before you proceed with the installation process, ensure that you have the following prerequisites: 

● A computer running on one of the following operating systems:

1. Windows

2. macOS

3. Linux

● Access to the command-line interface (CLI) on your computer 


Step 1: Download Node.js 

To download Node.js on Windows, follow these steps: 

1. Open your web browser and go to the official Node.js website at

2. Click on the "Download" button on the homepage to download the latest version of Node.js. 

Step 2: Install Node.js 

To install Node.js on Windows, follow these steps: 

1. Double-click on the downloaded file to start the installation process.

2. Select the "Run" option when prompted by the security warning.

3. Click "Next" on the welcome screen.

4. Read and accept the license agreement by checking the box and clicking "Next".

5. Choose the installation directory and click "Next".

6. Choose the components you want to install and click "Next".

7. Choose the start menu folder and click "Next".

8. Choose the additional tasks you want to perform and click "Next".

9. Click "Install" to begin the installation process.

10. Wait for the installation process to complete and click "Finish" to exit the installer. 

Step 3: Verify Node.js Installation 

To verify that Node.js is installed correctly on Windows, open the command prompt and type the following command: 

    node -v 

This command will display the version of Node.js you have installed on your computer. 


Step 1: Install Homebrew 

To install Node.js on macOS, you will need to install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS. Follow these steps to install Homebrew: 

  • Open the Terminal app on your macOS.
  • Type the following command and press Enter:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Follow the prompts to complete the installation process. 

Step 2: Install Node.js 

To install Node.js on macOS, follow these steps: 

  • Open the Terminal app on your macOS.
  • Type the following command and press Enter:
	brew install node
  • Wait for the installation process to complete. 

Step 3: Verify Node.js Installation 

To verify that Node.js is installed correctly on macOS, open the Terminal app and type the following command:

    node -v 

This command will display the version of Node.js you have installed on your computer. 


Step 1: Install Node.js 

To install Node.js on Linux, follow these steps: 

1. Open the Terminal app on your Linux distribution.

2. Type the following command and press Enter:

   sudo apt-get install nodejs

3. Wait for the installation process to complete. 

Step 2: Verify Node.js Installation 

To verify that Node.js is installed correctly on Linux, open the Terminal app and type the following command: 

   node -v 

This command will display the version of Node.js you have installed on your computer.

Node.js Version Management 

Node.js has a robust version management system that allows developers to install and manage multiple versions of Node.js on the same machine. This is particularly useful when working on different projects that require different versions of Node.js.

One popular tool for managing Node.js versions is nvm (Node Version Manager). Nvm allows you to install and switch between different versions of Node.js with ease. To install nvm, follow the instructions on the official nvm GitHub repository. 

Node.js Package Manager (npm) 

npm is the default package manager for Node.js. It allows developers to install and manage third-party packages and libraries for their Node.js projects. npm is installed automatically when you install Node.js. 

To install a package using npm, you can use the following command: 

   npm install <package-name>

This command will download and install the specified package and all its dependencies. 

Node.js Development Tools 

There are several development tools available for Node.js that can help streamline the development process. Some popular tools include: 

Visual Studio Code: A popular code editor that supports Node.js development with features such as IntelliSense, debugging, and Git integration.

Express.js: A popular Node.js framework for building web applications and APIs.

Nodemon: A tool that automatically restarts your Node.js application when changes are made to your code.

Mocha: A testing framework for Node.js that allows developers to write and run tests for their applications.

Node.js Deployment 

Once you have developed your Node.js application, you will need to deploy it to a server or hosting platform. There are several options available for Node.js deployment, including: 

Heroku: A cloud-based platform for deploying and managing web applications.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk: A service that allows you to deploy and manage web applications on AWS.

DigitalOcean: A cloud hosting platform that offers preconfigured Node.js droplets for easy deployment. 

When deploying your Node.js application, it is important to ensure that the server environment meets the minimum requirements for running Node.js. These requirements include: 

● Node.js runtime environment

● npm package manager

● Access to a command-line interface

● Sufficient disk space and memory 


AppInvento is a backend development tool that simplifies the process of building web applications. It is a no-code platform that allows developers to create backend systems without having to write a lot of code. AppInvento is built on top of Node.js, which is a popular JavaScript runtime environment. 

AppInvento provides a wide range of features, such as user authentication, database management, and API development. It also provides a drag-and-drop interface, which makes it easy to create backend systems without having to write code from scratch.

AppInvento software offers several features for backend development, including the ability to create new collections, programmatic access to Mailchimp data and functionality, unparalleled flexibility and the ability to auto-generate production-ready backend in minutes, and the ability to design UI on any design platform or even with a pencil and paper, among other features. Additionally, AppInvento offers a no-code/pro-code builder, full-stack builder/developer, and the ability to develop applications without writing complicated code. 

Overall, AppInvento software provides a comprehensive set of features for backend development, enabling users to build custom features and launch their ready products quickly and efficiently


Node.js is a powerful and versatile technology that allows developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. Installing Node.js is a straightforward process that can be done on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Additionally, Node.js has a robust version management system, a powerful package manager, and several development tools that can help streamline the development process. When deploying your Node.js application, it is important to ensure that the server environment meets the minimum requirements for running Node.js. By following these guidelines, you should be able to install, develop, and deploy Node.js applications with ease.