What is Redis?


A powerful NoSQL key/value data store called Redis (Remote DIctionary Server) is employed as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis is known for its fast reads and writes, rich data types, and advanced storage structures. Perfect for developing powerful and scalable web applications.

As you know, no one likes to wait long for search results or cricket live scores. As you play the game, you also want to see the leaderboards updated in real-time. All these demands require high-performance, high-speed solutions that help access data faster. Redis is the solution that makes all this possible. 

Redis is a highly replicated, high-performance open source non-relational database and cache server. It works by using some kind of predefined data model to map keys to values. 

In this, we will talk about Redis and what are the features and tools which are provided by it. 

Features of Redis 


Traditionally, all databases store and access data on secondary storage, hard drives, and SSDs. As you know, primary storage is faster than secondary storage because it can be accessed directly by the processor. 

Because Redis stores data in primary storage, so exudation of read and write is much better and faster than a database that stores the data on disk.

Advanced-Data Structures 

Redis stores data in key-value pairs and can use a variety of data structures to store data. 

This is not possible if you store data directly in memory without using Redis. Even memcached, any other very famous in-reminiscence key/cost shop used as a caching mechanism, most effectively helps strings and now no longer the statistics systems supplied with the aid of using Redis. 

As a developer, you've probably used some of these data structures. This makes Redis easier to use and implement.

Data persistence 

Data persistence means that the data remains after the respective data creation process ends. In other words, even if the server goes down, the stored data must be preserved. For a data store to be considered persistent, it must be written to persistent storage (that is, non-volatile storage such as hard drives or SSDs). 

Redis typically stores the entire dataset in memory. To ensure durability, Redis supports point-in-time backups (copying Redis datasets to disk). Redis supports RDB (Redis Database) and AOF (Append Only Files) persistence mechanisms for persisting data to a persistent disk. 


Redis makes use of a master/slave architecture (number one duplicate) and may reflect facts to more than one duplicate server. This improves read performance as requests can be split between different servers. This also helps in quick recovery in the event of a master or primary server failure. 


Redis's performance is very efficient. Due to the in-memory nature, the project manager's mandate to minimize complexity, and the event-based programming model, the application has excellent read-and-write performance. 

If you don't need data durability, the in-memory nature of Redis provides performance gains compared to database systems that write all changes to disk before a transaction commits. Redis runs as a single process and can be single or double-threaded when rewriting AOFs (Append Only Files). Therefore, a single Redis sample cannot benefit from the parallel execution of commitments that consist of stored procedures. 

High Availability  

Redis is primarily a single-threaded server, but the latest version of Redis uses threads for other purposes. Not designed to take advantage of a couple of CPU cores. The user is expected to launch multiple `Redis instances as needed to scale to multiple cores. Redis servers can handle the load because they use a master-slave structure. Redis' primary replica architecture distributes read requests across multiple servers to improve read performance and speed recovery in the event of a primary server failure. You can use this to get more ideas about Redis availability. 

Simply Efficient and Lightweight 

There no external dependencies are present in the Redis and it is written in ANSI C. This program works perfectly in all his POSIX environments. The Windows platform is not officially supported by Redis, but Microsoft provides experimental builds. 

Languages like C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, and R are also supported by Redis. As was already discussed, Redis has native data structures.Enables extensibility with Redis. It takes just a few lines of integration and the action to store, access, and use data in your existing applications is very simple and easy. 

Why is Redis Fast?

● Redis is RAM based. RAM gets the right of entry quicker than random disk gets the right of entry. 

● I/O multiplexing and single-threaded run loops improve execution efficiency. 

● Efficient low-degree records structures (SDS, ZipList, SkipList, Layered Index).

Setup and installation of Redis on Windows

Step 1: Download Redis Setup File 

First, navigate to the Redis official site and then download the latest Redis setup file. 

Step 2: Install Redis 

Now after downloading the Redis file, you can download the file in msi form or in zip form but in zip you need to unzip it. 

After that, you have to click on the open button to start the installation. Then you have to click on the next button just click on it until you do not get the install option but make sure some time the checkbox appears which you have checked. 

Step 3: Open Command Prompt 

After installation is done you have to open the command prompt. 

Step 4: Run Redis Server 

Now you have to run the Redis server. The command is given below that shows how the server runs. 

  • cd C:\Program Files\Redis
  • redis-server.exe 

Step 5: Start Redis Services 

After the server runs you have to start the server by following the command. 

  • redis-server --service-start 

Step 6: Run redis-cli 

Now to run the Redis command-line interface execute the "redis-cli" 

Step 7: Set New Channel 

Now set a new channel to see the working of Redis by using the command "set". Then use the "get" command to see the channel name. 

  • set channelName "Demo"
  • get channelName 

Step 8: Exit redis-cli 

Now if you want to close the Redis command-line interface then execute the below code 

  • shutdown
  • exit  

Setup and installation of Redis on Mac 


Step 1: Install Xcode

On Mac, you need to install the Xcode first to use Redis. So execute the below command and install Xcode. 

  • xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install Homebrew

After installing the Xcode now you have to install Homebrew so by the below command you can easily install it. 

  • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Step 3: Install Redis

Then Install the Redis by using the below command.

  • brew install redis 

Step 4: Start the Redis Service 

Now we need to start the Redis Service which can be done by following the command. 

  • brew services start redis

Step 5: Test if Redis is Active

Now if you need to check whether the Redis is active or not then run the below command. 

  • redis-cli 

After executing the above command you get the ip address that means that your Redis is active. 

Note: Here we install and set up the Redis by the Homebrew. 

Alternative of Redis 


MongoDB is an open-source as well as the leading NoSQL document database. MongoDB is written in C++. Used to store large amounts of data, MongoDB helps businesses store large amounts of data while working fast.

Teradata Vantage

Teradata Vantage is a connected, multi-cloud, agency analytics statistics platform that permits customers to clear up complicated statistics-demanding situations from beginning to scale. With a modern architecture and open ecosystem, customers across industries around the world use Vantage to drive business outcomes and turn data into one of their greatest assets.


Aerospike is a real-time NoSQL data platform that enables large-scale applications with ultra-low latency. Industry leaders such as The Trade Desk, Beeswax, and Integral Ad Science use Aerospike on AWS to run petabyte-scale real-time advertising workloads with millisecond read/write latency, and millions of transactions per second are processed cost-effectively with optimum performance.


Couchbase Server is a NoSQL report database for interactive net applications. It has a flexible data model, scales easily, delivers consistently high performance, and can serve application data with 100% availability.

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a records warehouse carrier completely controlled via the means of AWS. It's very simple and inexpensive because you can analyze large amounts of data using standard SQL and business intelligence tools.


After reading the above blog, you get a clarification of Redis and how to use it in your applications. If you know the correct way to use Redis, you can take advantage of the power and speed of Redis with scalability, high availability, and optimal performance. As we know, Redis has a huge and strong community, which proves how powerful and efficient this tool is.